Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Two's a trend

Keith Marszalek at nola.com has more on potential opening date for Mahalia Jackson Theatre

Mahalia Jackson Theatre

Renovations steaming forward at Mahalia Jackson Theatre for the Performing Arts. More like this, please.

Cultural Products Districts

The Picayune picks up the story here. Blakely says 3 to 4 districts "almost certain", and the city is shooting for up to seven!

Synovate For New Orleans

The Arts Council and 40 of our member artists recently had the unique experience of partnering with global market research company, Synovate, during their 2008 New Orleans conference.

Each artist created a one of a kind piece commissioned by Synovate, inspired by the theme “My New Orleans”. The 40 pieces will be available for purchase through EBay, with all of the proceeds returning to the artists and the Arts Council. The listings are still being added, if you do not see your favorite artist, check back tomorrow J.

Please visit the auction site and bid on one of these fabulous pieces of art TODAY!
The auction starts May 23rd and will only last one week.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

May 20th Artist Opportunities

Here's a link to the May 20th Artist Opportunities bulletin

Yet more advocacy

A very fun (at least to me) part of Jay Dick's Advocacy Workshop was finding out that 501c3's can be more involved with lobbying and political issues than I had thought. With the lege in session right now, I thought I'd pull a portion of his PowerPoint and post it as a separate attachment. As with all after the fact PowerPoints, if you weren't there, you probably won't get everything, but, luckily, I was there, and can answer anything that isn't clear.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Arts Advocacy Workshop

Kudos to Jay Dick of Americans for the Arts for giving a top-notch advocacy workshop on May 15th. For those who couldn't make the workshop, click here to download the PowerPoint from his presentation.

Arts Advocacy Day May 28th

Speaking of Arts Advocacy, check out this notice from the Louisiana Partnership for the Arts regarding Arts Advocacy Day on May 28th in Baton Rouge:

Mark May 28th on your calendar right now! Then read this email from top to bottom so you’ll be able to respond ASAP! There is a lot at stake here for us all. MONEY!
We've got a major challenge facing us on May 28th for Arts Advocacy Day in the Capitol! The Louisiana Partnership for Arts Advocacy has the entire rotunda of the State Capitol reserved which means that we'll really have to be organized and rally the troops to turn out in force if we're to make an impact on our Legislators. This will be the first time we have had such a significant presence in Baton Rouge in quite a while because we have the most at stake to lose since 1994. Because we have a new administration and so many new legislators in the House of Representatives and in the Senate, we must make this a success! Success means a couple of things: (1) awareness of the impact arts and culture has on Louisiana's economy, (2) increased dollars for the Department of Culture, Recreation & Tourism means increased investments locally through the Louisiana Division of the Arts Stabilization and Capacity Grants to the major arts organizations and the Decentralized Arts Funding Program Grants to organizations throughout the region, (3) quality of life in legislative districts that benefits directly from financial support through arts and culture. That's a tall order and one we have the opportunity to make a reality. But we must have all hands on deck in a big way! Every arts and cultural organization in the greater New Orleans area must be represented if we're to be successful.
We will convene at the Capitol Welcome Center Baton Rouge at 702 River Road at 10 a.m. for a Louisiana Partnership for the Arts meeting, get instruction on what we should be talking to our legislators about, and walk over to the Capitol around 11:45 p.m. With so much at stake and such an opportunity, we need the leaders of the arts and cultural organizations with the most at stake (grant dollars) from each region to be at the Capitol to meet with their Legislators from noon until adjournment. You will be meeting and greeting local Representatives and Senators. Remember to bring materials you want to hand out that day – brochures, pens, pencils, calendars – things with a “useful” purpose to fit within the new ethics guidelines. (Parking may be available along River Road along the river.)
Information on statistics for your regions as it affects funding levels through statewide grants and through the Decentralized grants will be available at the Louisiana Partnership for the Arts meeting. The Louisiana Partnership for the Arts’ lobbyists will be there to help us with the contacts with legislators. But please remember that YOU, the constituents (i.e. voters!), are who legislators listen to because once they are elected their chief concern is to get re-elected.
As soon as you know who will be traveling to Baton Rouge, please let me know by carbon copying me on the email you send to
patty@tatmangroup.com letting her know of your attendance. Please send Patty names of all the people attending in your group, as she will be making nametags for this event.
Thanks so much in advance. I know it is a lot to ask you to take a full day out of your life for advocacy, but unless we have the full support of our region's arts and cultural community, the gains that we've made over the years could decrease significantly. When you look at the impact of state funding on the arts, one day devoted to insuring your organization's funding really isn't such a big thing!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

New Orleans Cultural Districts


Please see the May 15th notice for info on the city's proposed Cultural Products Districts:

ORDA Review of Cultural Product District Application & Selection Process
6-8 pm
Thursday, May 15, 2008
City Council Chambers


Please join the Mayor’s Office of Recovery & Development Administration (ORDA) and the New Orleans City Council at a Community Meeting this Thursday evening to discuss the application and selection process for the State Department of Culture, Recreation and Tourism’s "Cultural Product District" Program.

Through this Program, qualified ventures in areas designated as “Cultural Product Districts” can receive tax credits for affordable housing development; historic property renovation; and tax exemptions for sales of original works of art.

To take advantage of these important redevelopment tools, the City of New Orleans must submit proposed districts to the State no later than July 1, 2008.

At Thursday’s meeting, ORDA representatives will discuss the City’s selection process for proposed Cultural Product Districts that will be submitted to the State for approval.

As part of this process, interested neighborhood organizations and other entities will have the opportunity to submit to ORDA proposed district locations through a formal application process.

Applications will be available at the meeting.

The formal application process, eligibility rules, timelines, and the State's approval process will be discussed.

Applications will be due to ORDA no later than Monday, June 2, 2008.

Business of Art Summit

Arts Biz Program director Gene Meneray will be speaking at the "Business of Art" summit at McNeese State University in Lake Charles this Saturday, May 17th. Todd Mouton of Louisiana Crossroads will also be there. Should you find yourself on the Chenier Plain, come on by!

May 12 Artist Ops

Here's the Latest Artist Opportunities from the Arts Council

Thursday, May 8, 2008

May 5 Artist Opportunities

If you missed the latest Artist Opportunities email, click here to check them out!

Jazz & Heritage Talent Exchange

Check out this very cool new database of Louisiana Music created by Jazz & Heritage Foundation. Nice work!