Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Saturday Wrap Up

Good day at the Boogaloo today. There are some swamp fires burning in the Dismal Swamp (yes, that's really the name), and it makes the air smell a little like cedar. Otherwise, a good time was had by all. Great shows by Trombone Shorty, the Wild Magnolias took their time bringing the Indian Funk, but when they did, they brought it well. New Birth treated the fine folks of Norfolk to a second line. What about Galactic? Well, let's just say they probably won't be back.

Photo Time!

Domenick and Linda pass a good time.

New Birth Feels Like Funkin it Up
Tanya and Randy attack some crawfish


Fan of Rory said...

Thanks, Gene. You managed to catch the true essence of Randy.

Cheers from not so dismal Norfolk. We miss ya already!


drunkmonkey said...

what was so funny? Good thing Domenick was there, otherwise I may have fallen off my chair.

drunkmonkey said...

Great shot of Randy with the crawfish. Take care of my monkeys!