Thursday, January 29, 2009

The Arts & Economic Stimulus

We're cutting and pasting from an NEA Press Release because it's important.

There has been much public conversation recently regarding the role of the arts and culture industry in economic stimulus. Following is information that seeks to clarify this issue through two key points: that the arts and culture industry is a sector of the economy just like any other with workers who pay taxes, mortgages, rent and contribute in other ways to the economy; and that the National Endowment for the Arts is uniquely positioned to assist in job stimulation for that industry.

Here are three quick hits that show the seriousness of the need

  • The Los Angeles Opera said today that it had laid off 17 employees, or approximately 17% of its staff. It has also mandated a pay cut for all employees, averaging 6% but with higher-paid staffers taking an 8% cut. (source Los Angeles Times, 1/27/09)
  • The Milwaukee Shakespeare Theater Company, a high profile regional nonprofit theater closed down operations in October. (source: report from the field)
  • The Seattle Art Museum has cut back five percent of its staff and is facing a $3.8 million annual shortfall if it can't find a new tenant for the space Washington Mutual had been leasing from it. (source: Seattle Post-Intelligencer , 1/25/09)

Click here for the full release

Patrice Walker Powell acting NEA Chairman

Friend of the Arts Council, and big supporter of NOLA Culture Patrice Walker Powell has been named acting Chairman of the NEA. This is great news for the city, and, if you indulge a personal note, my the first time someone we took to lunch at Cafe Reconcile has been named to such a high flying job. Congratulations to Patrice!

Monday, January 26, 2009

NY Times on Arts Funding

Good NY Times article on arts and NEA funding in the current stimulus bill, and informed speculation on who will be the next NEA Chair. Article says that Chicago lawyer Michael Dorf appears to be the front runner. Mr. Dorf served as an arts policy advisor to Obama during the campaign, and has worked for the transition office. Also speculation that Wynton Marsalis could be up for the post, though we think it's the Obama M.O. to go for a policy wonk rather than acelebrity.

Can we just say how lovely it is that the campaign actually had an arts policy advisor? Bear in mind that GW Bush appointed country singer Lee "God Bless the USA" Greenwood to the National Council on the Arts. (We're not kidding.)

The fog is lifting!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

January 20 Artist Opportunities

You can view the 01.20.09 Artist Opportunities bulletin here: If you want to receive via email, go to and see the Sign Up for Email News box.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Arts Policy Recommendations

Americans for the Arts has created a short, multi-point platform they have submitted to the Obama Transition team on how to include arts and culture in our economic recovery. Good stuff! Check it out here. Should you agree that this is, indeed, good stuff, please share your feelings with your representative.

UPDATE: Initial package released by the House does contain an additional $50 million infusion to the NEA. It's a start!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Arts Council is Hiring

Deadline: January 30, 2009.

The Arts Council of New Orleans seeks a fulltime Marketing Assistant to support marketing and communication activities to advance the objectives of the agency. Ideal candidate should possess excellent copywriting, proofreading and communications skills. Candidates should be familiar with AP style, have a strong grasp of grammar and be familiar with online content management systems. Experience with Microsoft Office, Adobe Suite (PhotoShop, InDesign) required; also basic HTML, Google Docs, web-design and internet/new media savvy helpful.

Send resume and references to or

Mary Len Costa
Interim President and CEO
Arts Council of New Orleans
818 Howard Avenue Suite 300
New Orleans, LA 70113.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Mahalia Jackson Theatre

Great to have her back. Also, Kudos to the Ballet, Opera, LPO and Tulane for keeping the performing arts alive while Nero fiddled and the theatre sat and molded. It would have been easy for all those involved to just throw up their hands and say they couldn't perform without a venue, or for Tulane to reserve McAlister and Dixon Hall for their own selves, but they kept it alive. Even the Katrina bureucracy can't kill the arts.

Internet Video Production Workshop

On January 28th, the Arts Council will be offering a free workshop on Internet Video Production, presented by Tim Ryan. Details here: Should be really interesting and fun. Hope you can join us. Here's the quick info:

Internet Video Production
Wednesday, January 28th at 6:00 p.m.
Tulane University Jones Hall, Room 306
6801 Freret St in New Orleans

Monday, January 5, 2009

Still Waiting for the Recession

They say we're behind the times down here, but this time it's a good thing.